Quantum Quest F.A.Q.s

Quantum Quest is part of the greater Tellest universe, but it won't affect the canon works of the novels—with some very slim exceptions. Quantum Quest is the result of the multiverse theory, so the various adventurers you see in the game all come from different versions of Tellest across multiple timelines. These characters may behave much differently in one universe than the next. This is why it's not unheard of to see a gnoll in a party with a kaja, or a goblin with an elf. Speaking of which, all the races come from Tellest as well. There are some spins on classic races—such as kobolds being more canine than rat-like, and goblins being bigger and meaner than in typical fantasy. If Quantum Quest does well, expect to see new races in future releases. Finally, the characters from the novels and short stories are trickling into the game as well. As both properties continue to grow, you can expect to see a lot more Tellest crossover, hopefully including your favorite characters!
As many as you like! The box comes with enough content to allow for up to four players, but you can add a fifth player by using pennies or other coins for tokens, and so forth. Our rule is that you add four cards to the dungeon for every additional player, so you can fit 9 players in the dungeon with our base set of cards. But with more chamber cards on the way...
Michael has been working on it for almost three years. It started on index cards with just the basic info—names, classes, health, etc. There was a lot of skepticism at this point for everyone who sat down with it, but once someone played it their first time, they were hooked! Since those early days, we have been balancing and tweaking, gathering art, coming up with future plans, and demoing the game for crowds.
For someone who knows the rules and is familiar with the cards, a two-player game takes roughly 25 minutes. The cards you draw for the dungeon will also affect the length of the game, especially if you have things that heal, give mana, or grant you adventurers. Additional players usually extend the game about fifteen minutes each.
The game includes over 90 cards, token sets for four players, four champion tokens, two dice, a rule book, and a score pad.
We will be making additional score sheets available for download so that you can print them at your leisure. In the future we may also make printable token sheets available.
If all goes well, we will have our first editions shoreside by May of 2018. We want to have them in our hands for our next run of the convention circuits!
We are preparing to run an extensive Kickstarter campaign in order to raise awareness for Quantum Quest. We will be linking to the Kickstarter on our websites and social media. Prototype versions of the game will be available at a premium price, which you can receive before Christmas of this year.
A. I was backpacking across the Himalayas with my trusty Sherpa. No, nothing as cool as that, I'm afraid! I was stuck in traffic and a commercial for one of the many Monopoly tie-in games came on the radio. I wondered what it would be like to make a fantasy game that functioned like that but with stronger RPG elements than just Fantasy-opoly. Later that day, I started putting sample cards together, and my best friend and I played it later that week.
My favorite mechanic of the game is one we added late in the development process. Most competitive games remove players from the game when they are eliminated, leaving you waiting around until the next game starts. But in Quantum Quest, those unfortunate adventures still have a lingering effect. Players haunt whatever rooms they had before their adventurers died, and more importantly, they deal double damage! In the spirit of Monopoly and newer games like Boss Monster, we love house rules. You can tweak the gameplay in Quantum Quest a lot of ways, from gaining mana when noticing a player didn't adhere to the instructions on a card, to taking a shot for one of your fallen adventurers.